Winter is slowly but surely starting to wind down.
And yes, we realize that we probably just jinxed it.
But with spring around the corner, we’re running out of time to get some laps in on our fat bikes. There are all kinds of excellent spots to ride in Manitoba, but a few are near and dear to our hearts.
So if you’re looking for some great trails to ride before the snow is gone, or you’re hoping to try fat biking for the first time this winter, we have a few recommendations!
Northgate Trails – Dauphin, Manitoba
The Northgate trail system is one of the best in the province at any time of year.
Maintained by a dedicated group of builders, The Dauphin Derailleurs, North Gate offers groomed trails for all skill levels with tons of fun features, distances, and ups and downs for when you want to push your limits.
The trail system is a blast, and you can enjoy a weekend getaway in one of their rentable micro cabins or venture off into Riding Mountain National Park for more adventures on and off the bike.
Southern Comfort – Winnipeg, Manitoba
Situated just outside St.Norbert at the edge of Winnipeg, Southern Comfort is a winding cross-country loop alongside the shore of the La Salle River. The trail is maintained by a dedicated group of riders, including fat bike grooming in the winter.
Southern Comfort’s proximity to the city makes it an excellent choice for a quick ride on a wintery evening or some serious laps if you’re up for something longer. Plus, it’s a really fun trail to ride in the dark with a bike light because of its tight and twisty nature!
Please note: Only enter and exit the trails by going under the train bridge at the north end of the trails. Do not cross or ride along the train tracks, and do not access the trails from the far south end by using Father Labonte Ave.
Riding Mountain National Park
Riding Mountain makes the list because it’s an excellent place to visit if you’re new to riding fat bikes and want to get your feet wet – figuratively speaking. It is winter, after all.
The park offers various trails to ride that cater to any skill level. They range from the basic Lakeshore Trail that meanders its way along the shore of Clear Lake, which is excellent for beginners, to the more challenging and groomed for fat bikes Burls and Bittersweet near the East Gate.
Plus, if you don’t own a fat bike or have access to one, you can rent them from the Friends of Riding Mountain National Park shop right inside the Wasagaming townsite.
Fat Biking is a great way to experience winter, but braving the cold can be a little daunting. If you want to learn more about how to prepare for winter cycling, check out our recent blog from guest writer Daniel Perry. And, as always, if you want to find more places to ride, you can check out our trails section. See you on the trail!